Category: design

Human Touch

Founded by Juliet Seger and Christina Albrecht in Berlin, HUMAN TOUCH is a clothing brand where all garments are handmade by skilled workers who regularly dip their hands in paint while they are sewing. This evidence of this process is then fixed and becomes the main design element of the clothing. The process is also…
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Glasser – Design

some nice understated choreography in this video by Glasser. Directed by Jonathan Turner. notes on the video concept by Cameron Mesirew:

Dimitris Papaioannou

Dimitris Papaioannou is a Greek performer/visual artist/choreographer/director (he made the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Athens in 2004) this video is a selection of scenes from some of his projects over the last 10 years, showing plenty of overdesigned sets populated by naked dancers, some football and Dimitris himself sporting an excellent moustache. in…
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Philip Beesley

i just discovered this guy’s work – it’s incredible. Philip Beesley is an architect, engineer, artist, designer and much more. he’s really into the idea of Hylozoics – that every object has its own life and its own life force. he makes these intricate and beautiful installations that look like they’re made from feathers and…
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Pas de Deux

New York artist Daniel Wurtzel works with light, air, fabric and other materials. Two pieces of fabric and a bunch of fans create a complex, dynamic relationship.