Dance Photography

Chloe Loftus in The Day We Discovered That The World Was An Oyster - 2013
Tanja Råman in kaiho3 - work in progress - 2017
National Youth Dance Wales in 'Scuse Me While I Kiss The Sky, choreographed by Theo Clinkard - 2013
Tanja Råman in traces - 2010 - 8 second exposure with LEDs and flash
Jo Fong in HIDE - 2013
Matija Ferlin in The Most Together We've Ever Been - 2014
Rosalind Brooks in HIDE - 2013 - this was the main publicity image for HIDE by Deborah Light
Tanja Råman and Iain Payne in unnattaching - 2014
Peter Suart in Melencolia
Tanja Råman in My Skin is a Thin Boundary - TaikaBox 2015